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Letterman Letters for Jackets A Classic Touch of Pride

Letterman Letters

Letterman Letters for Jackets A Classic Touch of Pride

  • Material: Premium chenille fabric with felt or twill backing
  • Size: Available in multiple size 2,3,4
  • Number of Pieces: Single or bulk orders
  • Mounting Type: Sew-on or iron-on

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $12.99.

Patch Description:

Letterman Letters for Jackets A Classic Touch of PrideLetterman Letters

Let your achievements shine once again with Letterman Letters for Jackets for varsity jackets for special accomplishment and achievements. For students who are athletes, groups or a fellowship, as well as supporting school, these chenille letter patches bring in extra beauty and are meaningful symbols. we also have Letter Patches

Premium Quality Materials
These patch designs are soft textured and made from high-quality fabric from the chenille category which gives them a good and lasting look. The felt or twill backing affords support and help to keep the patch rigid to keep the patch in place. Thick borders created out of embroidery make each letter look sophisticated and jerking into life near the edges.

Customizable Designs
Help your walls stand out while bringing order to the chaos with fully customizable Letterman Letters. We have a large stock of fonts, sizes and colors allowing our users to customize the product with their school or team logo. You can then fill in numbers, names or logos to add more of the element of a design that reflects your identity.

Easy Application Options
These are easy to install to your jacket or some other apparel simply with the help of sewing or can be stuck on iron-ons. Whether you are re-jacketing a traditional letterman jacket or are creating a personalized art piece, the backing allows your patch to stay secure.

Ideal for Schools, Corporate Groups and Personal Use
Coming in convenient packages to accommodate schools or teams’ pride or for anyone who would wish to honor their efforts. For the graduates, athletes or members of the club, these patches are uniquely stylish and make good gifts.

Give your Letterman Letters for Jackets the professional look that you deserve and make a mark with personalized chenille letters today!


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